When someone calls you to book in for a valuation it is very tempting to just get them booked straight into the diary as quickly as possible. But in this article, we look at how much more successful you could be by profiling.
The phone rings and it is one of the golden calls. You know the ones whereby someone wants to make an offer, instruct you or book in for a valuation. Usually, instructing or making an offer is followed by a series of questions, however booking a valuation can quite often just be a case of getting contact info, an address and a date and time. However, working this way leads to a bigger problem for your valuer and eventually for your marketing, but what is the problem and how does profiling help?
The reason this causes a problem is two-fold. The first problem is that as a valuer you are totally unprepared for the person you are about to meet. You may well have done your research on comparables and know the street well but it is not the bricks and mortar that is going to be making the decision to use you, it is the person, and what do you know about them or their situation? Usually, nothing and as such are not prepared on how to meet their specific needs with your presentation.
The other problem is that if you are not instructed on the property on the day, your marketing in order to encourage that ‘listing’ is either non existent or at best non personalised.
The solution to these two issues is to ask your valuations some profiling questions before the valuation takes place. Such as how urgently they need to move, why they are moving, if they are currently on the market etc. This can be done either over the phone while on the original call, by email or even on the appointment confirmation email by asking them to complete the information online.
This information should then be stored against the contact and valuation so that your valuer can access it on their phone or desktop before they go into the valuation.
With that information now stored against the contact your marketing system can now also use that information to make sure that the right messages land in front of that person in order to make sure you are giving them solutions to their specific problems. Both of these methods will ensure that you are closing more valuations into listing both on the day and over time.
To find out more about how Lifesycle can help you and your team to seamlessly do all of the above book in for a discovery call to learn about Lifesycle here.
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