For Estate Agencies Looking For Something Different

Our mission is transforming estate agency through technology and expertise. Mark Burgess, the Founder of Iceberg Digital created our eco system of software, website and world class networking and mentors for agents based on The Estate Agency Business Journey methodology, for agency owners seeking excellence that were tired of the same old thing.
If that is you. Welcome home!

Discover where you are in your The Estate Agency Business Journey Today!

Answer 26 questions and we’ll show you where you are and how to move forward.

Take our Estate Agent Business Journey Profiler to gain valuable insights on the proven path towards the business of your dreams.

"The Lamborghini of Estate Agency Softwares"

Christopher Watkin - Industry Thought Leader

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The day-to-day work of Estate Agency and the front end of Lettings working seamlessly alongside an intelligent marketing and data system proven to grow and scale your sales department without adding manpower.
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Artificial Intelligence

In built Al assistant that can write up your Vendor Care reports, tell your team who to call for viewings and listings, create social media content and property descriptions and register your applicant enquiries.
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By having one inter-connected eco system of technology, your software can talk to your website in order to change the content to be more relevant to the visitor’s circumstances in the blink of an eye.

Estate Agents Software

Lifesycle uniquely accelerates estate agency sales and profits, outpacing traditional CRMs by focusing solely on sales only rather than spreading thin across multiple departments. After all, do you really want to choose the best CRM for your sales department by what property management functions it has?

Favoured and proven by the UK's rapidly growing agencies. Lifesycle integrates sales CRM digital marketing, data analytics, content creation. and Al into one platform, designed to elevate the sales aspect of the business. This comprehensive tool transforms both new business generation and existing fulfilment efficiently.

AI-based websites

Imagine if your website knew each of the different type of visitors that arrived and treated them as different as if your team were meeting them in your office by transforming the site to appeal to them in the blink of an eye. Neuron delivers personalised experiences to your customers through tailored content based on what Lifesycle knows about the visitor. For example, if a visitor has a property to sell in a certain estate, Neuron will rebuild the website in the blink of an eye to make sure that they are seeing how successful you are at selling property in that estate and ensure they see a prominent way to book a valuation with you, where as a buyer would see the property search.


Uzair acts as your personal Estate Agency assistant inside Lifesycle. Carrying out many of the heavy lifting tasks for you such as writing vendor care reports for you covering how long the property has been on the market with you, where it has been advertised, who has looked at it online, how many viewings it has had and the feedback from those viewings, the details of any offers etc, saving you hours and hours of work and improving your lines of communication with clients. It can write detailed property descriptions with no prompts needed, write industry specific content for your blog, social media and email marketing, and even design the emails.

A network of learning,
Inspiration and accountability

"You don't know what you don't know" guides our mission to elevate estate agency practices. Estate Agency X is open to all agents whether they partner with Iceberg or not and is our committed to shaping the future of estate agency and giving back to this industry that we love. We provide access to world-class business mentors and successful agents, that have been through the transformation from old school Estate Agency to the modern way, through events, workshops, and podcasts, sharing insights for growth and improvement right from the cole face.

Last year Lifesycle generated over £55m worth of fees for our clients

“We needed a way of operating that the CRM's could offer”
“It really is half the price of a crap neg”
“Having great technology has helped us to be better agents”
“Grow by 20% without adding people”
“There is nothing else like it - it is a game changer”
“Working with Iceberg Digital changed my life”

"It's a team member working while we sleep"

Ian Macbeth, Director of Avocado, one of the UK's fastest growing Estate Agencies

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1. Content

Constantly nurturing your entire database with engaging, educational or entertaining content is critical not just for you to stay top of mind but in order to give your team the insights they need for step 2.

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2. Insights

By integrating CRM data with insights on what your database reads online, our AI identifies prime opportunities for your team, like targeting a valuation from 3 years ago now exploring content on selling.

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3. Slowing down

Adopting this method is new to estate agency, traditionally fast-paced and focused on contacting everyone in search of a rare lead. Surprisingly, your team will need guidance to embrace a slower, more targeted approach.

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4. Speeding up

After learning to slow down, the team can focus on outcomes rather than output. For example, is the goal 100 calls or securing 3 new listings? If it's the latter, the number of calls becomes irrelevant; achieving it in fewer calls allows for shifting focus to other tasks.

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